Arcadia is DTV Films’ very first feature length movie, running 1 hour and 24 minutes. Arcadia is a coming of age story centered around two teenagers in the small town of Arcadia, MI. It was made by Merek Alam and Cain Pedersen for their senior exit project, they started production in mid July of 2015. Merek, Cain, and fellow DTV Films member Dane Morgan went up to Arcadia for a week at a time to film, acting and direction were both done by Merek and Cain while camera work was primarily done by Dane. Arcadia focuses on Merek and Cain back in their 8th grade year of middle school discovering this small town and then goes forward to their senior year in high school as they return to Arcadia. You can click the picture above to go to Arcadia on YouTube.